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Resep Cara Membuat Pisang Goreng yang Renyah

Cara Membuat Pisang Goreng yang Renyah   Pisang goreng merupakan makanan gorengan yang sangat digemari di masyarakat dan orang indonesia pastinya sangat mengenal Pisang Goreng. Pisang Goreng banyak dijumpai di warung-warung terdekat, dan cara membuatnya juga mudah. Tapi dalam membuat Pisang Goreng juga diperlukan sebuah resep, apalagi jika ingin jualan pisang goreng pastinya harus mempunyai resep andalan untuk menarik pembeli. - kali ini akan memberikan sebuah Resep Cara Membuat Pisang Goreng yang Renyah, simak cara membuatnya : Bahan : Pisang. Untuk pisang goreng yang enak adalah gunakan pisang goreng yang berbahan baik, seperti pisang kapok dengan kualitas yang bagus Tepung terigu Gula pasir, vanili, garam Telur sebanyak 1 butir. Mentega cair, susu cair Minyak untuk menggoreng Cara Membuatnya : Pertama-tama kupaslah pisang, belah memanjang tapi jangan sampai putus. Dalam mangkok besar masukkan tepung terigu, gula, vanili dan sedikit garam untuk cita rasa. Ke...

How Can Snacks Help You to Lose Weight?

How Can Snacks Help You to Lose Weight?

It has been researched that snacks can help you to lose weight. So if you have been trying hard to shed those extra kgs and pounds off your body then you can use your eating habits for your advantage. But it is very important that you don’t snack up on oily and junk foods. Eating the right snacks helps your body to stay full and you don’t eat much later. So let’s see what snacks are legal for you to eat if you want to lose some fat.

Frozen blueberries, bananas, grapes can be a wonderful snack for you. These are very refreshing and natural and hence keep your stomach full. You can substitute them with many creamy desserts and they would be as satisfying as those. Eat them can easily keep you away from full fat sugary pies, desserts, yogurts etc. So string them in your fridge from today and enjoy them whenever you feel hungry.

Dates, mangoes, papaya are very sweet and natural. You can easily eat them if you have got the urge to much on any candy. These can also be eaten in dried forms and you would love their taste. They are also rich in vitamin C, A and iron. So if you eat them you can keep your body safe from any harmful and fattening chocolate and candy bars.

You can eat low fat crackers instead of the standard rich biscuits. You can easily use them as your snacks whenever you are hungry and just feel like munching on something. These can keep you away from fatty chips and Doritos.

If you want more refreshing snacks then you can make yourself a bowl of salad. You can all your favorite fruits and vegetables and mix it. In the end you can add lemon, low fat yogurt, or olive oil as dressing. The salad bowl would be very refreshing and you would also feel very full. Just like the salad you can also have small or mini sandwiches with low fat cheese and it would taste as good as anything else.

Try out different things and you would be able to make things up yourself. Just look for bad and good carbohydrates and you would achieve your goals. So next time when you are hungry think of the possible low fat items that you can make instead of just opening the fridge and filling your mouth with high calorie chocolate bar or sandwiches. Don’t keep your body hungry but always keep it satisfied with the healthiest of food around.

Just like this you can look for other low fat snacks which can keep you fit. If you start thinking before putting anything in your stomach then you would be really able to keep a watch on your weight. People who don’t really notice what they are eating are the ones who have got most problems with their weight and then they regret later. So it is better to think today and have a healthier tomorrow.
