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Resep Cara Membuat Pisang Goreng yang Renyah

Cara Membuat Pisang Goreng yang Renyah   Pisang goreng merupakan makanan gorengan yang sangat digemari di masyarakat dan orang indonesia pastinya sangat mengenal Pisang Goreng. Pisang Goreng banyak dijumpai di warung-warung terdekat, dan cara membuatnya juga mudah. Tapi dalam membuat Pisang Goreng juga diperlukan sebuah resep, apalagi jika ingin jualan pisang goreng pastinya harus mempunyai resep andalan untuk menarik pembeli. - kali ini akan memberikan sebuah Resep Cara Membuat Pisang Goreng yang Renyah, simak cara membuatnya : Bahan : Pisang. Untuk pisang goreng yang enak adalah gunakan pisang goreng yang berbahan baik, seperti pisang kapok dengan kualitas yang bagus Tepung terigu Gula pasir, vanili, garam Telur sebanyak 1 butir. Mentega cair, susu cair Minyak untuk menggoreng Cara Membuatnya : Pertama-tama kupaslah pisang, belah memanjang tapi jangan sampai putus. Dalam mangkok besar masukkan tepung terigu, gula, vanili dan sedikit garam untuk cita rasa. Ke...

Healthy Foods that You Can Eat Regularly

Healthy Foods that You Can Eat Regularly

Everyone knows that the diet they take everyday has got a big effect in the way they look. But still they are unable to eat healthy meals. There are many foods that you should eat regularly in order to stay healthy and fresh. There are five kinds of foods which are mentioned below for your health and diet.

As you know that bad carbohydrates make you gain weight it is very important you take notice if you are eating them in great portions every day. It is also not possible to stay away from all the carbohydrates as some fat is essential for your body. You need to take whole grain bread instead of white bread. They have got a lot of nutrients in them and thus they would keep on going throughout the day. You can add the toasts with some oatmeal or cereal. It is called a power breakfast which would give you all that you need to begin the day. It also takes some while to digest so you would not feel hungry very quickly.

Fish is another food which you can add to have a healthy and balanced diet. You should eat fish regularly to get the nutritional benefits from it. It is very low in fat but very high in terms of protein. It has also got omega 2 fatty acids which is essential for the cells in your body.  You can make fish in a variety of ways and it would just taste delicious. You can have fish without any fear of adding calories and bad carbohydrates to your meal. It can be a great substitute of mutton and beef.

Spinach is one of the vegetables which have got too much nutrition in one pack. It has got folic acid, protein, lutein, manganese, magnesium, and many other vitamins. You can eat it in any way you want and your body weight would not get disturbed at all.

Instead of using fatty oils you can cook your food in olive oil. It can also be used in salads to give an enhanced taste. It has got many vitamins and beneficial antioxidants which can prove to be very helpful for your body weight. If you eat a salad with olive oil dressing you would forget your grilled meat and heavy oily foods.

Grapefruits are also very pure and fresh as they have got many vitamins and minerals. It tastes great and you can add them to your diet every day. You can eat them without the worry of gaining weight.

Above mentioned are some of the foods that you can easily squeeze in to your regular diet. You would get all the nutrients to keep your energized the whole day. It is also important that you drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins and wastes from your body. Add a verity of low calorie food to your diet so that you don’t bore too easily. If you start consuming less than what you actually burn your weight would automatically be pulled down.
